The Darkangel is the first in a trilogy and the plot is fairly standard fantasy or faerie tale. A young girl's mistress is kidnapped by the titular Darkangel and she, prompted by revenge and despair sets out to slay the monster. Captured in turn by the monster, a vampire-like winged creature called an icari, she finds friends, goes on a journey, grows up and confronts the monster. The loveliness of the book shines through in the details. Pierce has tapped into a rich vein of mythic symbolism, understandable since she claims an autobiography of Jung as an inspiration. The world of the book is sketched in, some things simply must be taken at face value with no explanation. Some of the conceits in the book are marvelous, like the golden spindle which weaves cloth of pity, love, charity or whatever other emotional input one gives it.
Opinión: sencillamente magnífico, uno de los libros de fantasía que más ha perdurado en mi memoria infantil. Ahora lo estoy releyendo en inglés para, después de largos años, poder saber la conclusión, pues el tercer libro nunca se tradujo al castellano.
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